Miss Green's Year 9 class have been writing personal profiles for themselves, aiming to get a level 5 or 6. Click on Y9 French on the left to see them all.
They had to include information about their age, birthday, family, where they live and their hobbies, and to get a level 5 or 6, they needed to talk about something they've done in the past and about some plans for the future. When their profiles had been typed up and put here on the blog, the pupils were asked to go and look at other people's work and leave a comment saying what level they would give them and why. The objective of this is to help pupils assess their own work and know how to include things which will get them a higher level.
Here is a description of what they needed to include in their writing to get a level 4, 5 or 6: Download personal_profile_s1.ppt